Welcome to my research page.

I am a Professor of Economics at Boston College (on leave from the University of Toronto).

My research is predominantly in applied microeconomic theory.

You can find detailed information about me in my CV and I can be contacted by email at rahul.deb@bc.edu.

My research can be accessed below.



"Multi-Dimensional Screening: Buyer-Optimal Learning and Informational Robustness," with Anne-Katrin Roesler. Review of Economic Studies, (2024).
Online appendix that contains an omitted proof.

"Revealed Price Preference: Theory and Empirical Analysis," with Yuichi Kitamura, John Quah and Jörg Stoye. Review of Economic Studies, (2023).
Online appendix that contains omitted proofs and additional results.

"(Bad) Reputation in Relational Contracting," with Matt Mitchell and Mallesh Pai. Theoretical Economics, (2022).
Working paper that contains the theorems referred to in the conclusion of the published version.

"Testing Alone Is Insufficient," with Mallesh Pai, Akhil Vohra and Rakesh Vohra. Review of Economic Design, (2022).
Lead Article.

"Evaluating Strategic Forecasters," with Mallesh Pai and Maher Said. American Economic Review, (2018).

"Optimal Adaptive Testing: Informativeness and Incentives," with Colin Stewart. Theoretical Economics, (2018).

"Discrimination via Symmetric Auctions," with Mallesh Pai. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2017).
Awarded 2020 Best Paper Prize at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

"Dynamic Screening with Limited Commitment," with Maher Said. Journal of Economic Theory, (2015).

"Implementation with Contingent Contracts," with Debasis Mishra. Econometrica, (2014).
Online appendix and a corrected proof of Lemma 2

"Testing Motives for Charitable Giving: A Revealed-Preference Methodology with Experimental Evidence," with Robert Gazzale and Matthew Kotchen. Journal of Public Economics, (2014).

"A Nonparametric Analysis of Multi-Product Oligopolies," with Andres Carvajal, James Fenske and John Quah. Economic Theory, (2014).

"The Geometry of Revealed Preference," with Mallesh Pai. Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2014).

"Revealed Preference Tests of the Cournot Model," with Andres Carvajal, James Fenske and John Quah. Econometrica, (2013).

"Endogenous Emergence of Credit Markets: Contracting in Response to a New Technology in Ghana," with Tavneet Suri. Journal of Development Economics (2013).

"A Testable Model Of Consumption With Externalities." Journal of Economic Theory (2009).

Computer Science (Refereed Conferences)

"Which Wage Distributions are Consistent with Statistical Discrimination?" with Ludovic Renou (Extended Abstract). ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2023).
Awarded Best Paper.

"Multi-Dimensional Screening: Buyer-Optimal Learning and Informational Robustness," with Anne-Katrin Roesler (Extended Abstract). ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2021).
Awarded Exemplary Theory Track Paper.

"Ironing in Dynamic Revenue Management: Posted Prices and Biased Auctions," with Mallesh Pai. Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (2013).

Working Papers

"Indirect Persuasion" with Mallesh Pai and Maher Said, 2024.
Revision resubmitted to the Journal of Political Economy.

"Statistical Discrimination and the Distribution of Wages" with Prashant Bharadwaj and Ludovic Renou, 2024.
Second revision requested by the American Economic Review.

"How Informed Do You Want Your Principal To Be?" with Mallesh Pai and Anne-Katrin Roesler, 2024.

"Dynamic Choice and Common Learning" with Ludovic Renou, 2021.

"Dynamic Incentives for Buy-Side Analysts" with Mallesh Pai and Maher Said, 2022.

Work in Progress

"Content Moderation For Sale: Pricing Attention through Steering and Certification" with Heski Bar-Isaac and Matthew Mitchell.

"Who Gives, Who Cares?" with Yann Bramoullé and Ludovic Renou.

Older Working Papers

"Intertemporal Price Discrimination with Stochastic Values," 2014.
An even older, longer version is here.

"An Efficient Nonparametric Test Of The Collective Household Model," 2010.

"Tests Of Independence In Separable Econometric Models: Theory And Application," with Donald Brown and Marten Wegkamp, 2008.

"Optimal Contracting Of New Experience Goods," 2008.

"Interdependent Preferences, Potential Games and Household Consumption," 2008.
One half of this paper was published in JET under the title of "A Testable Model Of Consumption With Externalities."